Strength & Dignity

frequently asked questions
How long is the full Strength & Dignity course?
16 weeks. Most women stay in the community longer to master the material, encourage others, and possibly start groups in their homes. Ultimately, we hope some will become coaches with us. We want to change the world, one marriage at a time!
What teaching does Strength & Dignity course include, beyond the connection steps?
The curriculum covers boundaries, respect, conflict, communication, deflating defensiveness, and identity in Christ. Listening & Healing Prayer is part of the basic course and Deliverance is also part of the coaching experience.
Since I’m doing the connection steps on the free course, would I just skip that section on the full course?
No, you would still continue to master the Connection Steps. They are part of the paid space as well.
What is the time commitment like every week?
It varies. There are videos to watch and assignments that ask you to spend time with God seeking His truth for your situation. You should plan on a minimum of 1-2 hours per session.
How many videos or articles or book chapters are expected?
The videos are about 15-30 minutes and there is one a week. There is also a Live on Facebook on Mondays at 5pm where you can ask questions. It is recorded for those who can't attend the live session.
Are the healing prayer calls open to everyone or just paying members?
They are open by invitation. The are not offered to people who are not part of the ministry.
How many people are in the group coaching sessions?
We keep the groups small, usually between 2-6.
What day/time are the group sessions?
Options vary. View them here.
Does your team ever offer personal one-on-one coaching to help with specific situations & provide emotional support?
Yes, for current class members or coaching clients, we charge $97 per session. That is normally $197 for those not enrolled. (Listening & Healing prayer sessions with myself or one of our prayer ministers are free for coaching clients.)

Click on a coach's name to book a call:
  ~ Nina Roesner  
  ~ Lewelen Empié - currently unavailable
Are you coaching anyone my age (30s) or has everyone else been married for 15+ years?
We coach people of many different ages. Most people in our courses have been married for 7+ years. Younger women are discovering issues sooner so we are seeing an increase in this demographic.
At what point do you recommend coaching with my husband? - either with Greater Impact or somewhere local? I have no idea if he’d even be open to it - he has been very resistant to counseling in the past & has only gone half-heartedly. 
We offer a couples 6 month intensive process that deepens connection and heals marriages for 88% of the couples who participate. This is consistent with Gottman Level 4 Therapists, but they charge $300-500/hour. We give you 6 months of 2-4 hours per week for $6000.

100% of our couples have been brought to the Marriage Intensive by the wife who has grown enough in Strength & Dignity Coaching to pursue this step. Her husband receives her influence after a meeting with Nina Roesner. We are very focused on creating a space of sacred safety for men as they have generally not been treated well.
The conference - is it a faster-paced course of all the same info, or is it additional teaching?
It is a deep dive experience in a place of sacred safety to where you can heal, practice skills with help and leadership. We also do prayer exercises led by the Holy Spirit to facilitate change faster. They are similar to the healing prayer sessions.